Knowing how to communicate in a crisis is key to success as a professional and leader. What is in your crisis playbook? We share insight from top crisis experts. You will learn what to put in your playbook, and why to include it with research backed methods. Our case study of the Chilean Mine Rescue will highlight key points. If you have a playbook, bring it along for revisions. This course is for every professional and communications professionals alike. We are all leaders now. Life is a journey and we continually learn along the way.
*Lectures are Slide Deck presentations with voiceover lecture*
This course includes:
schedule1 hours on-demand video
signal_cellular_altBeginner level
task_altPreparation required
calendar_todayPublished At Mar 9, 2021
workspace_premiumCertificate of completion
errorBring your crisis playbook for revisions. If you do not have a crisis playbook, prepare to compose one with key points shared in this course.