Author | Human Resources Advisor| Leadership Coach | Speaker
About this course
This course is a skills-building curriculum that will improve our connection with ourselves & others to help manage conflict. We are emotional, intuitive beings when we tune in. Let's not fear the intensity of emotions, learning to regulate them. In this course, you will learn to navigate challenging situations, successfully solve problems, and resolve conflicts with others. Specifically, we will focus on the following:
Keep focus on what is being said verbally & non-verbally. When there is incongruence between the two, look to the non-verbal communication for keys to what the person is saying.
Let it go if you cannot control it, doing what you can with what is within your control.
Listen for the other person's perspective & feelings, validating them even if you do not understand what they are experiencing.
Avoid giving advice, instead ask open-ended questions.
Ask for clarification when something offends you, listening for insight.
I am glad you are checking out this course. I wanted to take a minute to convince you this is a unique offering. I am aware my colleagues offer great content as well. What makes this communication course different and meaningful is the why for taking it. Ask yourself the following and relay it to yourself and your interaction with others. If you answer yes to one or more, trust me as a retired mental health therapist when I say: You are in the right place at the right time doing the right thing with the right instructor!
Does conflict stress you out?
Do you understand why you feel the way you do?
Could your office and home environments benefit from better communication?
Do thoughts linger in your mind after a problem arises and you can’t move past it?
In conclusion, we introduce a proactive training tool as a resource to begin utilizing with your teams, The Appreciative Inquiry. This will build skills and train your people to utilize healthy communication strategies in crisis, to solve problems and move through conflict successfully.
Rise to become an expert communicator that people naturally want to follow and learn from. This is your blueprint for success with communication.
*Lectures are Slide Deck presentations with voiceover lecture*